Hi, I'm David Bradley, founder of Revellers' Club.
I've organised parties for fun for years. From house parties and dinner parties to Halloween Parties and spontaneous lunches, dinners and trips to nightclubs and places like the deliciously louche (but now rather chic) Sea Club in Mallorca. I organised racing cars around tracks too. ​
Then, in October 2015, I organised a trip to the latest James Bond film in what would have been James Bond's local cinema.
That was the Chelsea Cinema on King's Road, off which Ian Fleming's hero lived in a "tree-lined square". I block-booked tickets in pairs of seats nearest to the aisle. That way, people could escape to the loo halfway through without contemplating the "stagger of shame" past strangers along their row of seats.
That was just as well because I'd arranged drinks and supper in a room above a nearby pub, and people tucked in, forgetting they were about to watch a long film.
I handed out the tickets as people quaffed back gins and tonics, the then fashionable Prosecco and many pints of Youngs' Special. It was a gassy party. Many were more interested in socialising than James Bond. It was a chance to catch up with friends.
The film was dull, but afterwards, we ventured across the King's Road to the 151. We jumped the queue by telling the doorman we suspected our daughters were sniffing cocaine with errant boyfriends in the lavatories.
We had to get them out, we exclaimed. The doorman laughed. We passed through ahead of a long line of shivering 20-somethings.
Soon after, I was on a train to London for a meeting, pondering the positive response to that evening.
What we needed was a Club.
Whilst checking Godaddy over South West Train's wobbly WIFI, I noticed Revellersclub.com was free. So I registered it. When I mentioned this to the guy I was meeting, he enthusiastically boomed, "I love it. We could have a Revellers' Club tie!"
Well, we don't have a Revellers' Club tie. But we do have a network of Revellers who meet regularly for, yes, film trips but also for topical talks on everything from politics to Bitcoin. We also visit Peralta, Tuscany, for long weekends, hold backgammon evenings and enjoy purely social dinners and lunches.
Take a look at "past events" on the menu above.
Those who join do so by invitation from another Reveller.